"Your Costs to Obtain Non-dilutive Funding"
by Annette Finsterbusch, Serial Entrepreneur and Venture Investor

"Managing Expectations on Future Awards"
by Annette Finsterbusch, Serial Entrepreneur and Venture Investor

by Dr. Stephen Carrithers, serial biotech entrepreneur

"Right Hires at the Right Time"
by Dr. Stephen Carrithers, serial biotech entrepreneur

"Three-Pronged Approach"
by Dr. Steven Koenig, UofL professor and a serial biomedical entrepreneur

"Do Not Underestimate Your Indirect Costs!"
by Dr. Stephen Carrithers, serial biotech entrepreneur

"Telling Your Story"
by Dr. Steven Koenig, UofL professor and a serial biomedical entrepreneur

"Working with Industry Partners"
by Dr. Steven Koenig, UofL professor and a serial biomedical entrepreneur

"Selecting the Right Clinical Indication"
by Dr. Stephen Carrithers, serial biotech entrepreneur