Godwin Mbamalu, PHD

Associate Vice President Research
Distinguished Professor of Chemistry
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Benedict College

Professor Godwin E Mbamalu has over 20 years of progressive senior administrative experience in higher education, research in public health and biomedical sciences, and currently serves as Associate Vice President for Research/Distinguished Professor of Bio-Chemistry and Envr. Health Science at Benedict College and concurrent Professor of Public Health -Epidemiology-Arnolds School of Public Health -University of South Carolina, School of Public Health. A member SC Statewide Cancer Prevention and Control Program (CPCP), member executive committee of the South Carolina State VISION 2025-Advancing Capacity in Science, Research, Technology and Development, member executive committee South Carolina Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research Program ( SC-EPSCoR)-

He Currently serve as Associate Vice President for Research and Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry and Environmental Health Science and Chief Research Officer with- oversight of all institutional research grant awards and contracts, provide leadership to expand faculty/institutional research base/increased research funds implementation and assessment of grant awards. He previously served as Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Research, Graduate/Continuing Education; Dean of Arts and Sciences (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Dean of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, also served as Assistant Dean of the Honors College and O’ Herron Foundation Endowed and Distinguished Professorship.

 Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs;Oversight of all academic programs and worked with the Senior Vice President for academic Affairs, on implementation of academic and institutional policies in teaching, student learning, program assessment/accreditation and use of institutional data to make academic decisions, including academic support services, faculty hire/development, evaluation for promotion and tenure and other duties as delegated by the Senior VP Academic Affairs. As Dean:Professor Mbamalu worked with department chairs and faculty on unit goals and program assessment.

 Research/Teaching Faculty, Professor Mbamalu has many years of successful teaching experiences prior to academic administration and was recipient of O’Herron Foundation Endowed and Distinguished Professorship for excellence in teaching, research and professional achievement, a lifetime distinguished professorship, Tenneco Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award for excellence in teaching and student success, and distinguished faculty awards at two institutions. He has researched, presented and published many manuscripts in teaching and student learning, research in physical and biological sciences and in public health.  He was a US- National Institutes of Health Senior Visiting Fellow at the University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia; Mellon Foundation Scholar Austria, and a Fellow of Session 392, Biotechnology and Legal Issues, Salzburg, Austria and Senior Research Fellow US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Professional Services-Editorial: Journal of Epidemiology and Health Care, amongst others, member American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Council of Deans and Directors of the National Council for Science and the Environment He is the recipient of Sit Lux Distinguished Service Award; Who’s Who amongst American Professors and Teachers, and Leaving the Legacy Award in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune by the National Council of Negro Women.  Professor Mbamalu received MDP from Harvard University (Harvard Graduate School); PhD. in Bio-Chemistry; from the University of North Texas Health Sciences Center, Master of Science in Biochemistry; UNTexas, /University of North Texas Health Sciences Center, Denton-Fort Worth, TX., BS in Chemistry from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, and BS/HND in Chemical/Biochemical Engineering from Algonquin College, Ottawa, Canada.