Wesley Gray, PhD

Professor of Chemistry and Walter Dumas Endowed Professor of Environmental Toxicology,
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Southern University

Dr. Wesley Gray have been directing the Molecular Endocrinology Research Group. training graduate students in Environmental Toxicology at Southern University as well as helping to establish a strong undergraduate research presence in the College of Sciences for over ten years. He has been a Co-PI on a multi-million dollar, four year NSF-RISE grant awarded to the Environment Toxicology program and was a participating investigator on an NSF-instrumentation grant awarded to the Department of Chemistry. He was the program director for the Environmental Technology Consortium from 2001-2004, established the Summer Research Institute for freshmen and Sophomores (SRIFS) and is currently, the program director for two institutional grants: The Minority Biomedical Research Support (MBRS) of Competitive Research Excellence (SCORE) Program MBS-SCORE, and Louisiana Biomedical Research Network (LBRN) program. In addition, Dr. Gray serve on several university programs and committees including, the university sabbatical leave committee, program director for the SUBR STEM-LLC, Chair for recruitment and retention for the
Department of Environmental Toxicology, and member of the advisory council for the ” Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence. The implementation of these programs has help to support our retention activities and increase the number of well prepared undergraduates. students who peruses biomedical science graduate careers.

Dr. Gray has pioneered The Molecular Endocrinology Research  Group (MERG) – a new field of research known as Nutrigenomics aimed at understanding how bioactive chemical from medicinal plants influence health and disease.